Monday, January 31, 2011

Entry #1: Don't Know Why I'm Doing This, But in the End I Have No Choice. . .

Hey guys,
My name is Uzuki.
Or Uzuki Kasahara.
Or Uzuki Cheverie.
Or whatever you want to call me. Anyways, with the "Cheverie" added at the end, some of you may actually recognize me as the author of the fanfiction, "The Legend of Zelda: Time Gate", and the sequel "Time Gate: The Adult Chapters".
You probably haven't read it though.
I'm a little too full of myself when it comes to this fanfiction.
But don't get me wrong, I want it to go far. I don't know why I'm starting this blog in the first place, but maybe it's just so I can start Time Gate's rise to. . . not fame. No, not fame. That's not the right word for it. But I do want to be known for Time Gate and the characters in Time Gate, along with the story and the artwork accompanied with it, all done by me.
Time Gate is basically half of my life.
The other half. . . composed of school, and anything else that a female human being holds onto in their life at fourteen years of age.
But I want to go far with Time Gate. I want it to make it to the top.
An impossible dream perhaps. . .?
Who knows.
My name is Uzuki Cheverie.
And I'm the author of Time Gate, from FanFiction.Net.
My dream. . .
. . . is to create the best Legend of Zelda video game that this world has ever seen.
Yep, I'm a nerd. An obsessive nerd who is assumed to have no life at all. But that's not true. I'm also an artist; both creatively and artistically. With these skills, I promise to myself and everyone that's helped me in my human life that I will make Time Gate a reality. This is my goal in life. This is the adventure that I've put myself on.
What's the meaning of this blog exactly?
Is it to rant about how I'm going to make Time Gate, not allowing anyone to get in my way and stop me?
. . . So far, yes. Something may happen though. Who knows.
I'm crazy. Crazy people don't have a set path. We always have to do things the hard way. We take the winding, longest path, not the straight shortcut.
Alright, enough of that.
Starting with explanation of this blog.
I will probably give you links to get to my story on FanFiction.Net, in case you want to read it. Unfortunately, due to the fact that my computer is broken, I won't be updating chapters or blog posts very often. In fact, I'm at my friend's place right now as I type this. I may be able to update at school though, if this site works.
Other than the fanfiction, I also submit drawings on RateMyDrawings and sometimes DeviantArt (mostly RMD). They are mostly Time Gate drawings as well. Like I said, Time Gate is half my life at this point.
As for Time Gate, I guess I should explain a little bit about it.
Time Gate was a fanfiction that I thought up when I was 11-12-13 years old. Last year, exactly a month before my 14th birthday, on Groundhog Day (Feb. 2nd, 2010), I started submitting my Time Gate fanfiction to FanFiction.Net, a website that offers a wide range of choices for writing fanfictions.
Due to my lifelong obsession with Legend of Zelda, I started writing a fanfiction, a fanfiction that I had been working on since age 11. I started taking it seriously when I found the site through a link on a deviantart Zelda drawing based off another person's fanfiction. So on Feb. 2nd, I seriously started my fanfiction, today is approximately 2 days before Time Gate was first started.
January 31st, 2011. Because I have no computer, I'm also starting this blog to celebrate Time Gate's birthday (because when I lost my computer, I lost the file for the new chapter 9 for Adult Chapters).
So Time Gate is a year old now, and it's still not finished. In fact, I'm currently working on the second book, The Adult Chapters. The basic story of Time Gate is split into two parts: The Child Chapters and The Adult Chapters.
The meaning is pretty straightforward in itself.
The Child Chapters is the first book, revolving around Young Link and his life after Majora`s Mask. You can probably guess why it was Majora`s Mask. A lot of people, including me, are a little mad that Shigeru Miyamoto-san didn`t exactly finish the story. Of course, not just Miyamoto, but Eiji Aonuma as well. I just hope that by the time I create Time Gate, a sequel hasn`t already been created (although I highly doubt it).
Then The Adult Chapters revolves around Link`s continuing story as an 18-year old. Although the difference is that this time he didn`t fly through time like in OoT; he`s actually aged naturally through time.
However, there are quite a few books that follow Time Gate, both prequels and sequels.
The only prequel of the story so far is:
I can`t explain what this story is about because you have to read Time Gate. I will probably explain Reaper later on in this blog, but it will be a very vague and brief description so that I don`t confuse anyone.
Time Gate actually has two endings believe it or not: the typical Final Fantasy `good`ending `bad`ending thing. The good ending of Time Gate leads to The Legend of Zelda: Generation of the Fairies, which takes place about 16-17 years after Time Gate.
Then the bad ending leads to The Legend of Zelda: Fall of the Fairies, which is actually a trilogy of three. Fall of the Fairies, Chapter of the Aeons, and Rise of the Demons.
Okay, this is enough information for today. I really really don`t want overwhelm anyone with too much information right now. I`ll give a little `story` in each blog (hopefully, if things go well) relating to Time Gate and its creation. Hopefully I don`t bore you all to death.
- Uzuki

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